Types of Medical Transport Services
Medical Transport Services
Non-emergency situations
Non-emergency medical transportation is providing transportation to patients that have no reliable transportation of their own. The majority of people that rely on this type of service are elderly citizens, people with mental disabilities, and people that are physically disabled. The main objective of non-emergency medical transportation is to transport patients to their therapy sessions, doctor appointments, medical treatment sessions, or recreational gatherings. These kinds of benefits are usually offered through private health insurance or Medicare.
Ambulance services
Ambulance services is for the sole purpose of transporting people that need urgent medical assistance. People that have been injured in car accidents, fire incidents, gun shot wound, knife stabbings, and seizures are in need of emergency medical transportation. This is where an ambulance is called in. People that have health insurance are usually covered from medical bills including the transportation bill. However, some people opt on payment plans to pay off the bill.
Long-distance transport
Long-distance medical transportation is for people that need transportation for their medical appointments that are far away from their home or not within their local city area. For example, a person that has an appointment in Manhattan, New York but lives in Long Island, New York; then he needs long distance transportation. There are various health insurance companies that offer coverage for long distance medical transportation and work with transportation companies that provide this service.
Medicine Delivery
For patients who aren’t able to pick up their medications because they can’t drive for health issues or they don’t own a car, they are offered with having their medications delivered to their home. However, not all drug stores offer this service, but those that do provide a huge relief to patients knowing that their medication is being brought to them.
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